1.The word "queue" is the only word in the English language that is still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are removed. 2.Beetles taste like apples, wasps like pine nuts, and worms like fried bacon. Of all the words in the English language, the word 'set' has the most definitions! 3.What is called a "French kiss" in the English speaking world is known as an "English kiss" in France. 4."Almost" is the longest word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order. 5."Rhythm" is the longest English word without a vowel. 13.Horatio Nelson, one of England's most illustrious admirals was throughout his life, never able to find a cure for his sea-sickness. 14.The skeleton of Jeremy Bentham is present at all important meetings of the University of London 15.Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people 25.Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian, and had only ONE testicle.
6.In 1386, a pig in France was executed by public hanging for the murder of a child
7.A cockroach can live several weeks with its head cut off!
8.Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.
9.You can't kill yourself by holding your breath
10.There is a city called Rome on every continent.
11.It's against the law to have a pet dog in Iceland!
12.Your heart beats over 100,000 times a day!
16.Your ribs move about 5 million times a year, everytime you breathe!
17.The elephant is the only mammal that can't jump!
18.One quarter of the bones in your body, are in your feet!
19.Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different!
20.The first known transfusion of blood was performed as early as 1667, when Jean-Baptiste, transfused two pints of blood from a sheep to a young man
21.Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails!
22.Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin!
23.The present population of 5 billion plus people of the world is predicted to become 15 billion by 2080.
Real writing jobs-Review
6:01 AM | Home Jobs, Real Writing Jobs, Work From Home, Writing Jobs | 0 comments »
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Many of these jobs are simple online writing tasks, such as blogging
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These companies are fighting for exposure on the internet and know
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There has been an explosion in the need for online writers,
regardless of skill. These companies are more interested in your
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Understanding Computer
3:41 AM | Computer, Definition of computer, Features of computers | 0 comments »
Definition of Computer: 'Computer' is a fast & accurate electronic machine which accepts and store information (data), process the information given to it and produce the desired results, Apart from these functions, we can type letters, draw pictures, make graphics, listen to music, see movies, and store pictures and also play games.
- Doing repetitive tasks.
- Processing large amount of data.
- Getting accurate and align output.
- Saving time and human power.
- Speed: The smallest unit of time the second is long enough for the computer to perform a dozen task. Generally a computer takes about 1/106 of a second to carry out one instruction. For example a powerful computer could perform 3 millions calculation in a second, involving the edition of two eighteen digit numbers.
- Accuracy: The computer is very accurate. Almost without accept ion the errors in computing are due to the human rather than technological weakness.
- Versatility: Computer seems capable of performing almost any task provided ti it and task can be broken down into a series of logical steps.
- Automation: You can do almost any work repetitively. The computer executes the instructions automatically without any human invention and can perform diverse task simultaneously.
- Diligence: Being a machine a computer does not suffer from the human trades of tiredness and the lack of concentration, if 3 million calculations have to be performed, it will perform the 3 million accuracy and speed as the first.
- Storage: The computer has in-numerous capacity for data storage which can be retrieved very quickly.
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Home Jobs- Are they real?
9:42 PM | Home Jobs, Money Online, Online Jobs, Scams, Work From Home | 0 comments »
Now a days you can see here and there, the ads of home jobs. Internet becomes a medium of these type of things. Most of the people think that they are scams.What is the truth? Are they real or scam?
Baby Black Hole Found
6:05 AM | Baby Black Holes, Black Holes, Gitanjaly Sharma, National Geographic, ScienceJust 50 million light-years away there's a black hole that may appear younger than you.
This week astronomers announced the discovery of the youngest black hole yet spotted—the light we're seeing today came from the black hole when the object was about 30 years old. The find is giving scientists a first glimpse into the early development of these cosmic predators.
It's thought most black holes are born when massive stars go supernova, leaving behind ultradense cores that either form small but extremely massiveneutron stars or collapse into black holes.
Although new supernovae are being discovered across the universe almost every week, seeing any newborn black holes can be tricky.
(Related: "Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe?")
By definition, black holes are so dense that not even light can escape their gravitational pulls. (Find out why black holes don't suck.)
The only way we can see the objects is to catch them accumulating a surrounding disk of infalling material—and the newfound baby black hole appears to be undergoing this process.
"This may be the first time the common way of making a black hole has been observed," study co-author Avi Loeb, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said in a statement.
"However, it is very difficult to detect this type of black hole birth, because decades of x-ray observations are needed to make the case."
Baby Black Hole Has Monster Appetite
The exploding star that gave birth to the baby black hole was first seen through an amateur telescope back in 1979.
An international fleet of Earth-orbiting x-ray satellites, including NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, later picked up the telltale x-ray emissions from the supernova, in the spiral galaxy M100. (Related: "What X-Rays Have Done for Astronomy.")
The telescopes watched the supernova remnant steadily from 1995 to 2007. Their observations revealed a continuous, bright source of x-rays—the signature of matter being condensed and heated as it falls into a black hole.
The scientists think the material feeding the black hole could be the previously ejected remains of the exploded star or gases being stolen from a nearby companion star.
Either way, the find has astronomers excited to glean new insights into how much material black holes gobble up in their infancy—and so far it seems this baby monster has quite an appetite.
(Related: "'Comets' Found Orbiting Monster Black Hole.")
"This particular hole is feeding at a prodigious rate—over one planetary mass is consumed per year—and that goes directly into growing the infant black hole," said Dan Evans, a physics professor at Elon University in North Carolina and a research associate at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, who is not associated with the study.
"For the first time, we now have a complete fossil record of how much material such a newborn black hole can eat."
The greenhouse effect is a process by which radiative energy leaving a planetary surface is absorbed by some atmospheric gases, called greenhouse gases. They transfer this energy to other components of the atmosphere, and it is re-radiated in all directions, including back down towards the surface. This transfers energy to the surface and lower atmosphere, so the temperature there is higher than it would be if direct heating by solar radiation were the only warming mechanism.
This mechanism is fundamentally different from that of an actual greenhouse, which works by isolating warm air inside the structure so that heat is not lost by convection.
The greenhouse effect was discovered by Joseph Fourier in 1824, first reliably experimented on byJohn Tyndall in 1858, and first reported quantitatively by Svante Arrhenius in 1896.
If an ideal thermally conductive blackbody was the same distance from the Sun as the Earth, it would have an expected blackbody temperature of 5.3 °C. However, since the Earth reflects about 30% (or 28%) of the incoming sunlight, the planet's actual blackbody temperature is about -18 or -19 °C, about 33°C below the actual surface temperature of about 14 °C or 15 °C. The mechanism that produces this difference between the actual temperature and the blackbody temperature is due to the atmosphere and is known as the greenhouse effect.
Global warming, a recent warming of the Earth's surface and lower atmosphere, is believed to be the result of a strengthening of the greenhouse effect mostly due to human-produced increases in atmospheric greenhouse gases.
Green Diy Energy
11:20 AM | Green House Effect, Green Products, I love earth, Save Earth, Solar Energy | 0 comments » Green Diy Energy
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