My Hubby( Rajkumar Kaushik)

My Children( Apoorv and Atharv)

It is me
my name is Gitanjaly Sharma. I am from India. I have started blogging just now and it is my first blog. I am a house wife and a mother of two children. My husband is in Indian police. I always want to be a business person. Now i am doing the work i have decided to do. Now i am doing my own business from my home. I am able to work at home and get money for my future and present. All i am doing is good use of internet. If any one ask me about that i will define this a "GREAT WAY TO EARN AND ENJOY". And the best part is i am doing this from home and caring my children also.
If i am successful today all the credit goes to "online home based jobs" and "my hard work"0 and the last but not least "those persons who give me their support". Now i am in the position to tell you what i have done for that. I always listen about home jobs opportunities and all that but find nothing i started surfing and got something amazing. Guess what i have got some jobs i choose one of them and start earning from the first day.
Now i am earning 100-250$ a day. Earning is depend on how much time i spend on the net.
If you don't want to wait here is the link
Go fast to ths link before all the posts fill up.
Best of Luck
Gitanjaly Sharma